Reduce Reliance on Developers & Simplify Your Schema Workflow

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Centralized schema bliss

Eliminate platform-specific plugins & constraints. Manage all your clients' schema markup from a single application, regardless of the CMS. Ensure consistency and efficiency in your SEO efforts.

No-code schema deployment

Reduce reliance on developers and deploy schema markup effortlessly with our no-code implementation. NxisAI’s API-driven nature makes it easy for you to publish schema within any environment, and then edit or disable as needed.

Flexible schema generation modes

Based on your skill level, workflow, and goals, choose from multiple enhancement modes (Simplified, Advanced & AI) to guide you through the process, reducing cognitive load and technical hurdles.

Highly Scalable

Lightweight, API-driven code makes it a sinch to implement NxisAI across as many client sites as your heart desires.

Nested Schema

Generate schema with AI or build your own via Advanced mode & our templates.

Native Integrations

While NxisAI can currently work within any environment, we plan on building native integrations with all major platforms, starting with Shopify.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What kind of support can I expect?

We'll have a Discord server ready for you, with ticketing capability. You'll also have access to our work-in-progress Knowledgebase. In certain scenarios, we'll be happy to work with you directly to get you started.

Will Nxis overwrite pre-existing structured data from other SEO platforms?

No, Nxis can work seamlessly alongside other solutions (like Yoast SEO) and will not override pre-existing structured data. However in the case that both platforms are injecting the same meta tags, Google will “select” the tags that best follow their standards.

What do you mean by "no-code"?

Since Nxis is API-driven, the only code you’ll need to add to your site is our sitewide script tag. We handle everything else, including the laborious addition of JSON-LD.

What makes you different from similar tools?

1. For starters, we are not a "plugin" and can work within nearly any environment, including alongside other applications. 2. We've decided to go deep instead of wide to avoid feature bloat and complexity. 3. We lean on AI to significantly accelerate the population of fields via our AI Autofill mode.

What can be expected of the BETA?

As a BETA user, you'll have access to all available features for free throughout the duration of the program. Unfortunately, you'll also have access to bugs. The good news is, one of our goals is to quickly fix issues as they arise. Our other goal is to ensure that the user experience is fluid and robust for users -- to that end, we will be seeking constructive criticism of our platform, including the UI/UX and features.

When will I know if I have been accepted?

We will reach out to you directly via email with next steps. Unfortunately, we are unable to provide exact timing.

Will I get a special discount for BETA testing?

All BETA users that wish to subscribe to the platform after the program concludes will receive an exclusive discount on their first year. For those that consistently provide feedback, whether reporting bug fixes or providing constructive criticism, will receive an even deeper discount.

How long will the BETA last?

The BETA program will last up to three months, with a minimum of one month.